report(s) found: 2
Center: Petroleum Research Center x

Project title: Optimization of the Atmospheric Residue Desulfurization Process Using a New Catalyst Loading Profile wth Heavier Feedstock x

Optimization of the atmospheric residue desulfurization process using a new catalyst loading profile with heavier feedstock


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 2

Contributor(s):  Bahzad, Dawoud.

Subject(s):  Crude Oil ,  Crude Oil ,  catalyst poisoning ,  catalyst poisoning ,  النفط الثقيل ,  تعطيل فعالية المواد الحفارة ,  العمر الزمني للمواد الحفارة ,  Heavy Crude Oil ,  catalyst deactivation ,  catalyst life cycle

Project(s):  Optimization of the Atmospheric Residue Desulfurization Process Using a New Catalyst Loading Profile wth Heavier Feedstock

Project code:  PF 054K

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Optimization of the atmospheric residue desulfurization process using a new catalyst loading profile wth heavier feedstock


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Bahzad, Dawood.

Subject(s):  Heavy oil ,  Hydrotreating catalysts ,  Petroleum waste ,  Catalysts ,  Heavy Crude Oil. ,  Catalyst deacitivation. ,  catalyst life cycle. ,  Modeling. ,  النفط الثقيل. ,  تعطيل فعالية المواد الحفازة. ,  العمر الزمنى للمواد لاحفازة. ,  أداة المحاكاة.

Project(s):  Optimization of the Atmospheric Residue Desulfurization Process Using a New Catalyst Loading Profile wth Heavier Feedstock

Project code:  PF 054K

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