report(s) found: 1
Center: Petroleum Research Center x

Project title: Study of Formation Damage Due to Corrosion Inhibtor in a Sea Water Injection System, at Upper Burgan Formation, in the North Kuwait Sabiriyah Field x

Study of Formation Damage Due to Corrosion Inhibtor in a Sea Water Injection System, at Upper Burgan Formation, in the North Kuwait Sabiriyah Field


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Al Qahtani, Mesfera.

Subject(s):  Water ,  Water ,  Corrosion ,  Corrosion ,  Permeability. ,  المانع للتآكل ,  تشكيل الأضرار ,  طبقة برقان العليا ,  الصابرية ,  شمال الكويت ,  حقن مياة البحر

Project(s):  Study of Formation Damage Due to Corrosion Inhibtor in a Sea Water Injection System, at Upper Burgan Formation, in the North Kuwait Sabiriyah Field

Project code:  PP 034K

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