report(s) found: 1
Center: Water Research Center x

Project title: Study of the Origin and Evaluation of the Freshwater Reserves in the Groundwater Aquifers of Northern Kuwait Using Hydrochemical Techniques x

Study of the Origin and Evolution of the Freshwater Reserves in the Groundwater Aquifers of Northern Kuwait Using Hydrochemical Techniques


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Chidambaram, S.

Subject(s):  Aquifer ,  Aquifer ,  Reservior ,  Reservior ,  Aquifer management ,  Hydrogeology ,  Hydrogeochemical modelling ,  Environmental Isotopes ,  إدارة مكامن المياه ,  الهيدروجيولوجيا ,  النمذجة الهيدروكيميائية ,  النظائر البيئية

Project(s):  Study of the Origin and Evaluation of the Freshwater Reserves in the Groundwater Aquifers of Northern Kuwait Using Hydrochemical Techniques

Project code:  WM 084C

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