report(s) found: 1
Center: Water Resources Division x

Project title: Assessment of Polar and Nonpolar Materials in the Groundwater of the Raudhatain-Umm Al-Aish and KNPC Refinery Areas x

Assessment of polar and nonpolar materials in the groundwater of the Raudhatain-Umm Al-Aish and KNPC refinary areas


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Rashid, T.

Subject(s):  Groundwater ,  Drinking water- Contamination ,  الكربون العضوي الكلي ; الفينول ; الأحماض المتطايرة ; المركبات العضويه المتطايرة ; المياه الجوفية ; تلوث ,  TOC ; phenol ; volatile acids ; VOCs ; groundwater ; contamination

Project(s):  Assessment of Polar and Nonpolar Materials in the Groundwater of the Raudhatain-Umm Al-Aish and KNPC Refinery Areas

Project code:  WM 007G

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