report(s) found: 3
Center: Water Resources Division x

Project title: Treatment of Oil-Produced Saline Water for Cost-Effective Water Recovery and its Sustainable Use (Phase-I) x

Treatment of oil-produced saline water for cost-effective water recovery and its sustainable use (phase-I) /


KISR Report

Contributor(s):  El-Sayed, E.

Subject(s):  Salt separation ,  Distillation ,  Reverse osmosis ,  Nanofiltration. ,  Freezing ,  Zero liquid discharge ,  Process integration ,  Concentrated brine

Project(s):  Treatment of Oil-Produced Saline Water for Cost-Effective Water Recovery and its Sustainable Use (Phase-I)

Project code:  WT 019C

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Treatment of oil-produced saline water for cost-effective water recovery and its sustainable use (Phase I) /


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 1

Contributor(s):  El Sayed, Essam.

Subject(s):  Water ,  Water treatment ,  Salt water ,  Energy ,  فصل الأملاح ,  تقطير ,  تناضح عكسي ,  فلترة نانومترية ,  تجميد ,  خروج بدون سوائل ,  ربط بين النظم ,  محلول ملحي مركز

Project(s):  Treatment of Oil-Produced Saline Water for Cost-Effective Water Recovery and its Sustainable Use (Phase-I)

Project code:  WT 019C

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Treatment of oil-produced saline water for cost-effective water recovery and its sustaiable use (Phase-I).


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  El-Sayed, Essam E.F.

Subject(s):  Salt separation. ,  Distillation. ,  Reverse osmosis. ,  Nanofiltration. ,  Freezing. ,  Zero liquid discharge. ,  Process integration. ,  Concentrated brine.

Project(s):  Treatment of Oil-Produced Saline Water for Cost-Effective Water Recovery and its Sustainable Use (Phase-I)

Project code:  WT 019C

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