report(s) found: 10000

Development of a white paper for the future sustainable and resilient infrastructure of the new Kuwait 2035


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Al Sanad, S.

Subject(s):  project ,  Infrastructure ,  Resilience (Ecology) ,  Data ,  Megaprojects ,  SPSS software ,  Stake holders ,  Asset management ,  Statistical analysis ,  Resilience ,  White paper ,  الأطراف الفاعلة ,  إدارة الأصول ,  التحليل الإحصائي ,  المرونة SPSS برنامج مشاريع عملاقة

Project(s):  Development of a White Paper for the Future Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure of the New Kuwait 2035

Project code:  EU 150K

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Development of A system of applications to help in assessment of speech and language disorder


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Al Shatti, M.

Subject(s):  Speech therapist ,  People with disabilities ,  Learning disabilities ,  Speech therapist ,  الأشخاص ذوي الإعاقة ,  صعوبات التعلم ,  صعوبات النطق واللغة ,  تأخر نمو اللغة ,  People with disability ,  Learning disability ,  speech and language difficulties ,  delay language development

Project(s):  Development of A system of Applications to Help in Assessment of Speech and Language Disorder

Project code:  SD 014C

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Continuous manufacturing of vitamin D3 and iron-enriched novel food supplements for Kuwaiti population


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Ahmed, J.

Subject(s):  Vitamin ,  Analysis ,  Health ,  Food ,  Twin screw granulations. ,  Vitamin D3. ,  Microstructure. ,  Porosity. ,  thermal analysis. ,  التنجيب بالمسمار الثنائي. ,  فيتامين د. ,  التكوين المجهري. ,  المسامية. ,  التحليل الحراري.

Project(s):  Continous manfacturing of vitamin D3 and iron-enriched novel food supplements for Kuwaiti population

Project code:  FB 131C

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Effect of reverse osmosis units' brine reject from agricultural farms in Kuwait on groundwater quality and levels


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Bhandary, H.

Subject(s):  Agricultural ,  Quality ,  Production ,  Groundwater ,  Farmers guidebook. ,  Numerical modeling. ,  Geochemical Modeling. ,  geophysical logging. ,  Pumping test. ,  X-ray Diffraction. ,  دليل المزارع. ,  النمذجة الرقمية. ,  النمذجة الجيوكيميائية. ,  التسجيل الجيوفيزيائي. ,  اختيار الضخ. ,  حيود الأشغة السينية.

Project(s):  Effect of reverse osmosis unit's brine reject from agricultural farms in Kuwait on groundwater quality and levels

Project code:  WM 077C

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Ground motion modeling and structural monitoring of tall buildings


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Qazweeni, J.

Subject(s):  Building ,  Sensors ,  Systems ,  Earthquakes ,  Accelerometers. ,  GPS. ,  Tall building. ,  Structural health monitoring. ,  Ground motion modelling. ,  لبنية التحتية. ,  المباني الشاهقة.. ,  التسارع. ,  المباني العالية. ,  مراقبة صحة المباني.

Project(s):  Ground motion modellong and structural monitoring of tall buildings

Project code:  EU 124C

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Water resources for agriculture :


Government Initiative

Interim Report No. 2

Contributor(s):  Abdullah, H.

Subject(s):  Food ,  Production ,  Water ,  Agriculture ,  Integrated farms. ,  Water. ,  Wastewater. ,  reuse. ,  Recycle. ,  Productivity. ,  المزارع المتكاملة. ,  المياة. ,  المياة العادمة. ,  اعادة الاستخدام. ,  اعادة التدوير. ,  الانتاجية.

Project(s):  Water resources agriculture :

Project code:  P-KISR--17-06

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Utilization of modern technologies in sustainable local Shrimp production in support of Kuwait's food security :


Government Initiative

Interim Report No. 2

Contributor(s):  Al Subiai, S. N.

Subject(s):  Water ,  Food ,  Production ,  Shrimp

Project(s):  Utilization of modern technologies in sustainable local Shrimp production in support of Kuwait's food security :

Project code:  P-KISR-17-04

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Sustainable livestock production :


Government Initiative

Interim Report No. 1

Contributor(s):  Al Bahouh, Mariam.

Subject(s):  Sheep ,  Food ,  Production ,  Environment ,  Agriculture residues. ,  Shep. ,  dairy cattle. ,  fodder production. ,  المخلفات الزراعية. ,  الأبقار الحلوب. ,  الأغنام. ,  انتاج الأغلاف.

Project(s):  Sustainable livestock production :

Project code:  P-KISR-17-03

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Evaluation of a wetland sysytem in treating wastewater at Sulaibiya research plant


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Khajah, M.

Subject(s):  Wastewater ,  Plant ,  System ,  Organic ,  Heavy metals. ,  Nutrients. ,  Organic matter. ,  Wastewater treatment. ,  المعادن الثقيلة. ,  المغذيات. ,  المواد العضوية. ,  معالجة مياه الصرف الصحي.

Project(s):  Evaluation of a wetland sysytem in treating wastewater at Sulaibiya research plant

Project code:  WT 083K

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A baseline study on the assessment of the influence of the Jaber Al Ahmad bridge on the marine Environment


KISR Report

Annual Progress Report

Contributor(s):  Yamamoto, T.

Subject(s):  Water ,  Quality ,  Environment ,  Bay ,  coastal bridge impact. ,  Kuwait bay. ,  Hydrography. ,  Hydrodynamics. ,  Water quality. ,  تأثير الجسور الساحلية. ,  جون الكويت. ,  توصيف المياة. ,  حركة المياة. ,  جودة المياة.

Project(s):  A baseline study on the assessment of the influence of the Jaber Al Ahmad bridge on the marine Environment

Project code:  FM 138K

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Utilization of industrially produced carbon dioxide in protected horticulture facilities for food security enhancement and contribution to climate change mitigation


KISR Report

Proposal Amendment/Extension "A"

Contributor(s):  Sugumaran, K.

Subject(s):  Food ,  Production ,  Dioxide ,  Factory ,  Carbon-dioxide enrichment. ,  Chiller-type cooling. ,  Food quality. ,  greenhouse. ,  Plant factory. ,  Soilless culture. ,  اثراء بثاني أكسيد الكربون. ,  جودة الغذاء. ,  البيوت المحمية. ,  مصنع نباتي. ,  الانتاجية. ,  زراعة بدون تربة.

Project(s):  Utilization of industrially produced carbon dioxide in protected horticulture facilities for food security enhancement and contribution to climate change mitigation

Project code:  FA 180C

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Near real-time visual analytics of human mobility behavior in urban areas


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Al Jeri, M.

Subject(s):  Epidemic ,  Network ,  Maps ,  Analysis ,  Big data. ,  social network. ,  spatiotemporal analysis. ,  human behavior. ,  البيانات الضخمة. ,  التنقل البشري. ,  التحليلات المرئية. ,  الشبكات الاجتماعية. ,  التحليل الزماني والمكاني.

Project(s):  Near real-time visual analytics of human mobility behavior in urban areas

Project code:  SD 019K

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